
Impetus to Self Educate

Introduction Hello, and let me say thank you if you are reading this. I am writing today about a journey I plan to take over the next year+ to create my own Master's of Science in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. It deeply honors me that you would care enough to read these words at the bottom of a random blog you probably stumbled upon, so I'll make this quick.  I'm nearly 26 and didn't realize my passion for EECS until I was about 23, at which point I really dug deep and applied myself. While I achieved high honors at SFSU and participated in some exciting nano-scale electronics research, I have since taken a full time job to support my wife and 19-month old son, and find myself unable to squeeze in any classes at my local university. Taking heart in some examples of self-educators out there on the webs, I though "why not educate myself?" I decided that a blog of my own might be the only physical proof and record of my self education, but also